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Friday, 27 August 2010

The Best IQ Question

This Question was developed and used in Japan for job and university IQ tests. Mainly used in the IT sector. This test is solved in around 15mins . Let's see can you get every one on the other side?

The Question is :

There are some people at one shore of the river and a boat. They have to cross the river. The people consists of  a Mother with 2 daughters, a Father with 2 sons , a Thief and a Police officer.
The Rules are :
1. Only two people can travel at once through the boat.
2. Only the Police officer and the parents can drive the boat across the river . The children and the thief can't drive the boat.
3. Daddy can not stay with the girls without the presence of the mother, otherwise he will kill them.
4. Mum cant stay with the boys without the presence of the father, otherwise she will kill them.
5. The arrested Thief cannot stay with any of the family members without the Police officer, otherwise he will kill anyone of them.
6. These rules apply on both the shores of the river.
7. The Police officer can only prevent the thief from killing anyone (if they are on same shore) , he can't prevent the family members from killing if above conditions is violated even when he is on the same shore.

Now , By what method and order will you make everyone cross the river safely so that no one kills anyone and no one dies ?

A Mind Boggling IQ Question

There were 5 persons standing at one side of a bridge on a pitch dark night. All of Them have to cross the bridge. The speeds of all persons are different and they take 1 sec , 3 sec , 6 sec, 8 sec , 12 sec  respectively to cross the bridge. Only 2 persons at most can cross the bridge at a time, that only using the Lamp to see in the dark, without it no one can cross it. This means if 2 persons go with the lamp for the first time then one of them has to return back to handover the lamp. The Lamp will glow for a total of 30 sec, which means all of them has to cross the bridge in 30s . Also when  2 persons are crossing the bridge both the persons will walk at the speed of slower one, which means if  6 sec person is travelling with 12 sec person then it will take 12 sec for both to reach the other end. Also the time during handing over will also be counted as the lamp will glow at that time also which means if 6s and 12s goes , and 6s returns then total time will be 24s. Now, tell in what order and pairs will all of them cross the bridge and in what time ?

A Mathematical Puzzle

Once in a marriage party people from three castes arrived namely The Brahmans , The Rajputs and The Muslims. The food arrangement at the party consisted 100 plates for 100 people . The Brahmans said that each one of them will eat 4 plates. The Rajputs said that each one of them will eat 2 plates. The Muslims then said that 4 of them can eat from 1 plate. The Number of plates and people cannot be changed then find the number of Brahmans , Rajputs and Muslims that were at the party so that all of them ate the food as per conditions.